Three years ago I read an article in Road Runner magazine about a 4-day
dual sport ride in and around Coshocton, OH. The time was never right to make
the trip north but after a trip to Colorado did not materialize this spring,
Dad and I decided to seize the opportunity and go roaming around Eastern Ohio.
We have chosen to try and follow the Road Runner routes as closely as possible
and are looking forward to rolling hills, pastoral landscapes and Amish
buggies. Our home base is the Coshocton Inn and Suites recommended by the
article. Dad is on his KTM 500EXC and I am on my Suzuki DRZ 400.
Day 1 - Beautiful
Landscapes, Bad Maps
Started my morning off with a short run right out of the hotel that
went along the old locks of the Ohio & Erie Canal. The fog was swirling off the river
and the sun was rising behind the trees and it was perfection. After breakfast,
Dad and I began getting the bikes prepared for the day’s ride. We made an easy
decision to follow the first route laid out in the article, which would take us
northwest of Coshocton towards Millersburg. By 9am the heat was turned on and
we were itching to get on the bikes and cool off. Shortly out of town we turned
off on to an empty back road and within a few miles found our first stretch of
dirt. The cool crisp air and nuclear green spring foliage made for a
spectacular start and we knew we were in for a fantastic day.
We were clearly in a very remote area and before long Amish farmers began to dot the fields with their families, tilling and working the land. When Dad and I would ride by, fully geared out on our noisy dirt bikes everyone in the field would stop what they were doing and stare at us like we were riding flying unicorns. We’d all wave to one another as we continued on, climbing over low ridge tops and dropping down into low farm valleys all the while darting under tree canopies hanging over the road.
There was a lot of dirt in the early part of ride and I began to
get very excited that this sort of riding would make up the bulk of the day but
unfortunately we began to run into problems on the outskirts of
Millersburg. The routes plugged in to the
GPS did not match the reality of the roads and we found ourselves turning into
driveways and pulling over to the side of the road often trying to determine
our position and where we needed to go.
Unfortunately neither of us had a decent map (which had the smaller
township and county roads) but we knew the general direction we needed to head
and so we just started winging it. The GPS would occasionally get back on track
and we’d follow it for a few miles and then lose the tracks again before too
long. Still, the day was beautiful; the traffic minimal and driving thru Amish
country was at times otherworldly.
Just before noon we found ourselves in the small town of Baltic and
recognized Millers Dutch Kitchen as one of the outstanding local eateries from
the article. Being tired, hot and a little lost, we figured the time was right
to take a break and fill our bellies.
Millers was short on atmosphere but more than made up for it in the
quality of the plates. Dad had a simple Chicken Salad sandwich, but on our
waitress's recommendation I had the open-faced roast beef sandwich with mashed
potatoes smothered in gravy. It was full of goodness and primed me for the rest
of the day.

Our last stop of the day was under a shade tree and I took my armor
off and laid down on the freshly cut grass. It was cool and smelled of spring
and I was in heaven. Dad got some pictures and I think he let me take a
5-minute nap, which was just what I needed to get us back to town.
We covered just under 100 miles our first day. When it was all said
and done I’d say that roughly 75% of it was tarmac, but seeing how we were
having trouble with our GPS tracks, staying on the more prominent roads kept us
from getting too lost.
Earlier in the week Dad was able to contact Steve Mauk, who was the
guide of the original Road Runner trip. He called our hotel room and we have
made loose plans to meet tomorrow and he will take us on the day 2 tour so even
if we get lost, at least we’ll do it with a local.
All in all our first day riding eastern Ohio was a success. We got
lost and I ate a lot of dust, but we saw some beautiful countryside and ate
some great local faire. Tomorrow looks to be considerably cooler and having a
guide with knowledge of the area can only mean good things.
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